Monday 21 October 2013

Module 12 - Volcanoes

Bagi mahasiswa UPN "Veteran Yogyakarta Fakultas Teknologi Mineral yang ingin melihat slide Geologi Dasar (Volcanoes), silahkan kunjungi laman dibawah ini :

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  • 1. Module 12 Volcanoes
  • 2. The gods of volcanoes doing their task
  • 3. VOLCANOES  A volcano is a vent or fissure in the Earth’s crust through which molten magma, hot gases, and other fluids escape to the surface of the land or to the bottom of the sea  Volcanoes may be classified broadly into:  Central Types: the products escape via a single pipe (vent)  Fissure Types: the products escape from a linear vent or crack
  • 4. Vent positions
  • 5. Vent positions Central Eruption Fissure Eruption Side Eruption
  • 6. Earth’s Geotherm  GEOTHERM: increase in temperature with depth in the earth  GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT is the rate of change of T with depth  In upper 100 km, average geothermal gradient = 300C km-1  Heat source is decay of radioactive elements  This heat causes melting of rocks to form Magma
  • 7. Composition of Magma  Variation in magma properties include:  SILICA CONTENT varies from 45% to 75%  VOLATILES (GAS CONTENT) most common gases: H2O vapor, CO2, SO2, H2S  TEMPERATURE OF ERUPTED MAGMA varies from 12000C to about 8000C  Variation in magma properties affect VISCOSITY of the magma
  • 8. Viscosity of Magma  VISCOSITY refers to the thickness or fluidity of a liquid  Liquid with HIGH viscosity are very thick, sticky  Liquid with LOW viscosity are very fluid  Effect of various properties on magma viscosity:  Temperature: HIGH temperature = LOW viscosity (i.e. very fluid)  Silica Content: HIGH silica = HIGH viscosity  Volatile Content: HIGH volatiles = LOW viscosity (However, high gas contents contribute to explosive eruptions)
  • 9. Types of Volcanoes
  • 10. Types of Volcanoes
  • 11. Shield Volcanoes
  • 12. Shield Volcanoes
  • 13. Shield Volcanoes
  • 14. Shield Volcanoes
  • 15. Shield Volcanoes
  • 16. Shield Volcanoes
  • 17. Shield Volcanoes HOT SPOT
  • 18. Cinder Cone Volcanoes
  • 19. Cinder Cone Volcanoes
  • 20. Strato Volcanoes
  • 21. Strato Volcanoes
  • 22. Strato Volcanoes
  • 23. Strato Volcanoes
  • 24. Strato Volcanoes
  • 25. Strato Volcanoes
  • 26. Lava Dome Volcanoes
  • 27. Dome Volcanoes
  • 28. Caldera Volcanoes
  • 29. Caldera Volcanoes The formation of Caldera
  • 30. Eruption Types
  • 31. Eruption Types HAWAIIAN-HAWAI
  • 32. Eruption Types STROMBOLIAN - ANAK KRAKATAU
  • 33. Eruption Types VULCANIAN DOME - MERAPI
  • 34. Eruption Types VULCANIAN - SURTSEYAN
  • 36. Eruption Types PELEEAN - ST HELLENS
  • 37. Eruption Types PLINIAN PINATUBO
  • 38. Eruption Types PLINIAN - TAMBORA
  • 39. Global Distribution of Volcanoes
  • 40. from: Distribution of Volcanoes Most subduction zones are in the “Ring of Fire” (so-called because of volcanism of the Pacific)
  • 41. Volcanism & Plate Tectonics Volcanism in continental Volcanism in islands arc
  • 42. Volcanism & Plate Tectonics Volcanism in Mid Oceanic Ridge Pacific Ocean
  • 43. Volcanism & Plate Tectonics Hot Spot Volcanism
  • 44. Classification of Volcanic Environment
  • 45. Types and Zones of Volcanism
  • 46. Finally . . . Rest in Peace COLUMNAR JOINT VOLCANIC NECK
  • 47. Major Volcanoes of Indonesia (with eruptions since 1900 A.D.)
  • 48. Distribution of Magmatic Arcs of Indonesia (source: Carlile & Michell, 1994)

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